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Organic Chem Lab for Majors, Chem 309, Section 02 (02978)
Lab Hours: Wednesdays (6:30pm through 10:50pm) at WL- 331
TA's office hours (For any course related inquiry): By appointment through email only.
TA's email ID: (Use subject: 309 TA)
01/28/19: Handout 1
02/02/19: First lab report collection is on February 13, 2019. Check course handout for details.
Contents (This list will grow as the semester progresses)
01/30/19: Extraction and Separation of components of Panacetin, Check-in, Safety Quiz
02/06/19: Recrystallization and m.p. measurement of unknown, FTIR of monoterpenes.
Discussions (Largely my perspective(s) on any topic(s) being discussed in this course)
01/30/19: A review on the importance of pKa in drug discovery:!divAbstract
02/02/19: A brief overview of FTIR:
02/02/19: Raman Spectroscopy:
Courses taught before (Click on the names to know more)
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